Friday 21 August 2015

Site News: Holiday Over!

Greeting all! This week I decided that the team needed a little break to re-charge creative batteries. The last four months or so have been a constant barrage of miniature building, painting, gaming and articles. Sometimes there is such a thing as 'to much of a good thing', so a little break was in order to prevent burn out. Everyone is now back on their feet (including me!) and we have some excellent miniature content to start sharing next week. As per normal, tune in on Monday to get some insight into what we are working on!

While on my break I started considering expanding our coverage, I am a notorious Anime fan, comic, figure and statue collector! And I am in discussions with the rest of the writers as to whether we should cover the above topics in addition to Miniatures. Nothing will be diluted, but choices will be larger - that is the premise anyway!

So thanks for sticking around during our little R'n'R we shall strike back with painted miniature goodness from next week!

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

To keep up to date with all our goings on, like and follow our FacebookGoogle + & Twitter pages.

Monday 10 August 2015

Monday Previews!

Good morning! I hope you all had an awesome and productive hobby weekend. As always, it is Monday, which means time to have a look at what the writers here at Send The Eighth! are up to.

After a brief calm before the storm moment, the Norse Trolls are back! On the table this week, are the awesome Armoured Trolls of Toheim. As I understand it, these were sculpted by a fan of the original Norse Troll unit, with the main difference being hammers and heavy armour for equipment. To accompany them I have already cleaned and primed Thorir Troll Konungr (King), who was picked up at Salute this year as a pre-release. Finally just sneaking in, you can probably see Geat Warrior Trytheorn, who I think is based on one of the Kickstarter backers, it is a great miniature with a fantastic pose and lots of detail.

At the back you will probably see that two of the Armoured trolls are actually lacking arms, luckily for me awesome Rob has said he would provide replacements for me - with customer service and awesome miniatures like these, it is easy to see why people (including me) support this brand!

On a random note, once the above is primed and base coated, I will be left with only nine Norse figures in queue to started...

To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery

With the imminent arrival of Kingdom Death: Monster and the awesome game play videos from GenCon I really can't wait for the delivery. So in honour of that I thought I would share a freshly un-boxed KD mini with you today. 

The White Knight (Heavy) is one of the few models from KD that comes with options. In this case one can choose between a huge spiked ball or an hammer with a lion face. I'm really unsure which one to choose. The ball is just awesomely brutal but the chain will be super brittle. The hammer is less flashy, but carries much more of the KD-vibe. ATM I'm tending towards the hammer and maybe if I get my hands on an Encore one day and build that with the ball.
To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery
Unfortunately Lorna was unable to share her awesome Ysian host in today's Monday Previews, she is simply too busy with work. However we may see an independent article from her in the next two weeks. This will be well worth waiting for, as quite frankly, the Ysian range of miniatures are mind blowing, the level of detail on even the basic infantry is something rather special. Also plans are in motion for a new project for myself, so if you are a fan of the Horus Heresy, stay tuned...

Thanks for reading,

Send the Eighth!
To keep up to date with all our goings on, like and follow our FacebookGoogle + & Twitter pages.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Gallery: Kingdom Death - King's Hand By Sven

I’ve been talking so much about the King’s Hand so I guess it’s finally time to get the final pictures out there. The Hand is a pristine sculpt with an awesome Berserk vibe to it. Most obvious are of course the great detail on the armour and the head.

Monday 3 August 2015

Monday Previews!

Good morning it's Monday, which means time to see what the Send The Eighth! team is working on. So onwards with the toys...

I have been extremely busy this last week, working on some large Warzone Resurrection projects, which means not a lot of time for my own pieces. What little spare time I had this weekend, was spent working on the personalised shield colours for my Hrafnen crew. So far I have a nice selection of colours, which I feel give a bit more of a authentic feel to the Hrafnen crew. For me the Hrafnen crew; as sculpts; are quite far away from the archetypal Norse/Viking image, so anything that brings them more in-line is a good thing. In keeping with tradition, I have also decided to steer clear of any uniform for the clothing. This decision came about after working on Birna. Once I applied her colour scheme as an across the board scheme, the army suddenly took on a Riders Of Rohan feel, which I did not like at all.

I have also experimented with a spare 'scavenged shield' from one of my trolls. I think it looks great and again; closer to the traditional Viking look. My hope is that Mierce Miniatures makes another heavy armoured unit (chain mail shirts) that look a lot more traditional, as one of the most redeeming factor of this range, is the throw back to historical accuracy coupled with high fantasy.

To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery

Seeing all my old, poorly painted Tomb Kings; I painted the majority of those over 10 years ago; I just couldn't bear it and decided to touch them up a bit. So right now my desk is flooded with Egyptian skeletons and given my highly rare hobby time at the moment I guess it will stay like this for a while.

Hm, that also brings back all my old conversion ideas... where's my bitz box..?

To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery

So the Fantasy vibe marches on! This week, I should be receiving a lovely box of miniatures from Mierce. Not only does this delivery contain a new character for me, but also much the much needed reinforcements for Lorna's Ysians,. You can pretty much guarantee a game will be brewing for next weekend and more than likely you will see pictures of Lorna's expanded collection of miniatures in the coming weeks.

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

To keep up to date with all our goings on, like and follow our FacebookGoogle + & Twitter pages.
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