Friday 27 March 2015

Forge World: Xiphon Interceptor & Armillus Dynat Pre-Orders Up!

Forge World's latest pre-orders rolls out today with a character for the Alpha Legion and the much anticipated Xiphon Pattern Interceptor. Forge World descriptions below, with links to relevant products, enjoy!
Armillus Dynat, the Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion, has been a feared strike commander since his name came to prominence during the invasion of Paramar. Known to possess strategic genius, his style of warfare is as intricate as it is unorthodox. Using fast moving, heavily armoured vehicles and close air support, he will split enemy formations apart before crushing them without mercy.

Armillus Dynat is an expert duellist and warrior in his own right. Wielding a thunder hammer and power sword in unison and carrying uncommon wargear such as venom spheres and phosphex bombs, he is an opponent to be reckoned with.

The latest model in the Horus Heresy Character Series, Armillus Dynat is a multi-part resin kit that is supplied with both a 32mm base and a 50mm scenic base. The rules for using Armillus Dynat in games set during the Horus Heresy can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Three – Extermination.

This kit is available to pre-order today for despatch from Friday 3rd April - £31.00

With unparalleled speed and manoeuvrability, the Xiphon pattern Interceptor saw increasing service in the Legiones Astartes during the dark days of the Horus Heresy. Based on ancient designs, the void and atmospheric craft carried heavy armaments into battle, allowing it to destroy both air and ground targets with apparent ease. Its pair of twin-linked lascannon and Xiphon rotary missile launcher combined with the Interceptor’s speed and agility to make it a deadly opponent from which the enemies of Mankind could not hide.

This is a complete multi-part resin kit which includes a plastic canopy and flying stand.
It is available to pre-order today for despatch from Friday 3rd April. - £80.00

I think this leaves only Samus and the Vindicator with Laser Destroyer Array to go, which possibly means unseen Forge World products leading into Easter!

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

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Thursday 26 March 2015

Horus Heresy: Iron Hands By Hellstrom Brothers Of Destruction!

The Iron Tenth march ever onwards! I have been busy this week working on some armour elements for my army. It is always nice to shuffle things around a bit and keep it fresh, especially after weeks of working on infantry. Today, I completed construction of my two Deredeo Dreadnoughts, which DiStudios has dubbed 'The Brothers Of Destruction' - How droll.

The Deredeos are great bits of kits that are seriously imposing when the guns are added. As a model kit, it comes with all same build options of the Contemptor dreadnought; albeit with different aesthetics;  with components separate at the leg, knee and torso. This is in my opinion key to the success of the Contemptor model kits, as these separations allow for a multiple poses despite similar chassis. However it must be noted, that in the case of the Deredeo the weapon load outs themselves lend to a more restrictive look over all, due to the ammo feeds - yes I suppose you could bend them with heat. However I think this two has sufficiently different poses to stand out on the table.

The building of these two did cause DiStudios to have a mini-melt down. After looking at them he tried to convince me of the merits of a seven dreadnought army, before hiding in a corner trying to figure out how many Contemptor talons he 'needs' in his Night Lords army. Further proof of his dreadnought insanity can be seen in the Twitter feed to left, as he has finally made gains on his Night Lords Contemptor, bought last week.

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth! 

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Saturday 21 March 2015

Horus Heresy: Iron Hands By Hellstrom Immortals Preview

Greetings, Hellstrom here holding the fort while DiStudios makes his weekly trip home. A very productive week for the Iron Tenth, as I have made progress with my vehicle pool and infantry blocks. Today I am sharing a 'preview' of my Medusan Immortals. A better picture will be coming soon; depending on when the scenery I ordered arrives; but below you can see the full squad of ten Immortals finished ready to join the line.

I probably only have a few more figures to complete before my core is finished, meaning more time to work on the larger aspects of my army. I expect to have at least a few bits nearing completion and ready for photographs next week, quite possibly including my ten man Gorgon terminator Squad.

DiStudios will have plenty of things to show off this coming week too, last I saw he had a very hefty bag full of Night Lords reinforcements...

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

To keep up to date with all our goings on, like and follow our FacebookGoogle + & Twitter pages.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Site News: The Saga of Sevatar Continues...(FW Problems continued)

This week - Thursday to be exact - the replacement parts for both Sevatar and my Deredeo arrived. Initially I was extremely pleased, the casts were as good as you could possibly get and a perfect replacement for the miscasts that had plagued my original purchase. All that was required was a little washing and I was ready to go, however that would have been too easy...

Thursday 12 March 2015

Horus Heresy: Iron Hands By Hellstrom Gorgons & Legion Tacticals

Hi all Hellstrom here. It has been a while but the Iron Tenth marches on! Today I have a taster of things to come. These models, while complete or nearing completion are part of much larger squad sizes which hopefully should be finished in the coming weeks.

The Gorgons Terminators are almost done, just a few more bits to do here and there. I actually have a full unit of ten at this stage and am sure it will make for a impressive unit once complete with Spartan Assault tank. The unit went together absolutely fine and more importantly were a joy to paint. I will most likely be arming at least one unit with dual graviton guns.

The above Tactical Squad is complete. Sadly these have taken longer than I would have liked, as I don't enjoy filling the minimum troop allocation. Non the less I am happy with the way these have turned out and am on the way to finishing the other fifteen to finally fulfill my minimum. These units will probably be taking advantage of the Head Of The Gorgon rite of war and have Land Raider Proteus tanks as their dedicated transports - I love the idea of a armour 14 wall, take that Night Lords!

I do have ten Immortals completely finished, but didn't have time to post them today, so please make sure you check back next week to see those (and possibly more!). I am rather proud of my Immortals and am very keen to share them with you all.

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

To keep up to date with all our goings on, like and follow our FacebookGoogle + & Twitter pages.


Monday 9 March 2015

Horus Heresy: Night Lords By DiStudios Lightning Strike Fighter Final Stages W.I.P

Despite the set back of last weeks Forge World's orders, I made some gains on the projects in front of me. And despite everything, I did actually make a fresh combined order with Hellstrom for some various Forge World bits, mainly essentials to finish my Veteran Tactical Squad and the fine details of my Terror Squads. Once these components arrive, I will probably aim to finish (and show off) the infantry portions of this army again.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Warmachine: Relight My Fire!


After my rousing bit concerning new starts and a new found love of Menoth, Privateer decided to do this:

Looks like all bets are off!

Site News: Forge World Miscast Woes

I mentioned earlier in the week, about my disappointment with my Forge World order. So many different items and yet so many miscasts, which in my eyes show the speed vs quality ratio of Forge World taking a plunge as their Horus Heresy range expands. Anyways here are the photos in all their 'glory', tomorrow I should be contacting Forge World and will be very interested to see what they say. Previous attempts to get a Finecast figure replaced with Games Workshop had failed due to hoop jumping, so I am more than a little jaded about Forge World sorting this out.


Huge casting slip is the main culprit here. Fixing this would require me to hack and re-sculpt the majority of the leg details. Not exactly what I would expect from a £32.00 miniature. To make matters worse, look at the pipe, which is so totally misaligned that it would require complete replacing. One thing to note, the left leg looks like it has been pre-cut or sheared during the packing process, so someone must be doing some form of post cast check before packing.

The top shoulder bone/spike arrived broken, with no sign of the piece in the box. Even if the piece was in the box, I would still be angry, as in my experience, breaks at fine points like this will be a constant issue, especially if the piece is being used for gaming purposes.

The above, again shows the extent of the slippage. It would simply require too much hacking and rebuilding on my behalf and that is frankly time I do not have. The concept of 'some assembly required' is not a suitable defense for such a poorly cast model like this, if it were a re-caster I would expect some problems, but from what I have been told, re-casters are actually doing a better job than the creators, and at discounted costs too!

*Deredeo Dreadnought*
Although I was not prepared for the extent of the poor casting on Sevatar, I was content in the fact, that the dreadnought would be fine. Man was I wrong...This is the hip joint for the Deredeo Dreadnought, as you can see, again massive slippage. The details are horribly mangled and misaligned, much like Sevatar entire body! It seems lightning has indeed struck twice with this order.

The torso was actually a decent cast...but had a much more insidious problem. The resin in the picture is still tacky, if you expand the picture, you can clearly see my finger marks in the softness of the resin. This miniature has been soaked for 24 hours, washed and scrubbed, but still produces the same weeping resin result. Basically this piece did not cure correctly, probably due to poor mixing of the resin or not enough catalyst to cure properly, which is a shame as it was the best cast bit out of my entire order...

The rest of the pieces of these models were actually fine, very crisp casts with limited release agent etc However the key parts, like the bodies all have issues, even the Master Of Signals model is not without sin, but at least it is workable compared to Sevatar. I think what irritates me the most, is the fact that this order was delayed by almost two weeks, meaning everyone was getting their Sevatars and Deredeos except me. And of course once mine do finally arrive - well pictures tell the story don't they.

Now the last time I had an issue serious enough for me to complain about, I was required to send the item back before a replacement was sent out (this was GW though), if Forge World demand the same of me, I will not be impressed as quite simply my experience with this order would be the following - delay with no explanation until chased > poor product quality > reluctance to replace item.

As an ex GW employee, I do understand how things go, but sometimes, a situation - like lack of quality - is so very obviously poor, that any excuse is simply indefensible. I will be genuinly intrigue to see how I am handled tomorrow and of course, even if Forge World do replace these components, there is no guarantee that the replacements will be any good either...

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

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Monday 2 March 2015

Site News: Coming Soon

Greetings all, a massively busy week for me unfortunately, so no army updates. However today's post will give an idea as to where we are hobby wise. I have finally gotten the rest of my Night Lords Forge World order, having pick them up from my friends house last week. While I have not made a start on them yet; again due to work; I will be making a solid start on them this weekend. Expect pictures of Sevatar, the Deredeo Dreadnought and hopefully a finished Lightning Fighter, very soon!

I have also (after much prompting from a friend!) come back to Warmachine. As a little bit of background, I started Warmachine in 2004 and did have a huge Khador collection, that consisted of every single release up to Wrath. I will be doing a completely brand new Warmachine project this time round, in the form of the forces of Menoth. I have some figures already, in various stages of construction, and again I aim to show these off in the coming weeks.

Hellstrom (our resident Iron Hands collector) has also been very busy, churning out the infantry required for a game, last I heard from him, he had ten of the fantastic Medusan Immortals ready and nearly two squads of Legion Tactical Squads on the works, complete with Land Raider transports... I better speed up, as it seems games are definitely on the horizon! This also means, I will be making preparations for a third gallery, just for Hellstrom's work, he also seems to have the Warmachine bug again, as I think I caught sights of his old Cryx miniatures on his desk...

March signals the six month point of my Horus Herey Night Lords project, a land mark for me, as I tend to get easily distracted. To 'celebrate' I will be doing a post showing off what I currently have in the collection in their various stages. I am quite excited about this, as I am not exactly sure how out of hand this collection has gotten! To accompany this, I will also be putting up a tutorial on how I paint my Night Lords - as requested by one of our readers Felix.

Both Hellstrom and I have also been accumulating a lot of scenery bits for our upcoming games this year. We will be showcasing a few gaming mats and general scenery pieces in the future, giving our opinions on the best and worst that we have come across.

So plenty of content on the way! This is only the tip of the iceberg too, as I have two major Kickstarters that are still too arrive in the form of Last Saga and Avp, both of which equate to substantial amounts of figures, and to top it all off, Salute 2015 is literally round the corner now which means I will be adding yet more figures and scenery to the collection! I will be making a much more concerted effort to get to wargaming events this year and will be doing the usual of taking pictures and tweeting about what I come across during these events, so now is a great excuse to sign up to my various social media options (see right column).

That's all for now, I have the Friday blues already, as I can't wait to get back to the painting table and share what I am doing.

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

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