Apologies for the lack of posting, my girl friend managed to drop a cup of tea on her laptop and is using mine until a replacement can be bought i.e. she gets this one I get a new Macbook Pro (silver lining!). On the subject of new hardware, last week I mentioned the purchase of a new light tent and studio lamp set up. I am finishing the collection with a new digital camera that also has 1080p recording capabilities, not only will this mean more photos to go into the galleries I am working on, but also the possibility of some video tutorials and bat reps for 2012. An added bonus is that I can charge it via usb, unlike my current digital camera which eats up batteries after every shoot, I expect the new camera to arrive by the end of the week.
I have also put in various orders to complete my 1000pt and 1500pt Minotaurs army lists, these have changed a lot since my last post as I just was not happy with the units I was putting in. Like it or not my mind tends to focus on efficiency, even on the table top. I will be sharing these new lists with everyone later in the week. To accompany the new models I ordered in some new foam for my carrying cases and will be writing an article on how I store/carry my armies about the place once these extra bits arrive.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th legion
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