Thursday 12 March 2015

Horus Heresy: Iron Hands By Hellstrom Gorgons & Legion Tacticals

Hi all Hellstrom here. It has been a while but the Iron Tenth marches on! Today I have a taster of things to come. These models, while complete or nearing completion are part of much larger squad sizes which hopefully should be finished in the coming weeks.

The Gorgons Terminators are almost done, just a few more bits to do here and there. I actually have a full unit of ten at this stage and am sure it will make for a impressive unit once complete with Spartan Assault tank. The unit went together absolutely fine and more importantly were a joy to paint. I will most likely be arming at least one unit with dual graviton guns.

The above Tactical Squad is complete. Sadly these have taken longer than I would have liked, as I don't enjoy filling the minimum troop allocation. Non the less I am happy with the way these have turned out and am on the way to finishing the other fifteen to finally fulfill my minimum. These units will probably be taking advantage of the Head Of The Gorgon rite of war and have Land Raider Proteus tanks as their dedicated transports - I love the idea of a armour 14 wall, take that Night Lords!

I do have ten Immortals completely finished, but didn't have time to post them today, so please make sure you check back next week to see those (and possibly more!). I am rather proud of my Immortals and am very keen to share them with you all.

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

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  1. That's right! Take those iron hands and defeat Chris! Show him what happens when you change your paint scheme :)

  2. Resistance is futile...


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