Greetings all, this morning it's time for our weekly previews, and I have to say a lot is getting done! The Mierce buzz has really caught on, with lots of things painted and even more things built. What this means in the long term, is that we will probably be having new battle reports up, as we close into summer gaming. Of course it has not all been Mierce dominated, there has been lots of lovely painting of Kingdom Death too, I really cannot wait to get those gallery shots out, they are simply fantastic pieces!
Troll fever continues to run high as I had a fairly large Norse arrive last week, including the armoured Trolls of Toheim. These are a conversion of the original Trolls, with the each model given extra armour plating and some very brutal looking hammers.
To top it all off, I also received Thorir who is a Troll Warlord character, he comes with heavy armour and two hand weapons, a very mean and large troll, even by Mierce standards!
I think this is pretty much all the trolls released up to this point, and I still have some very awesome looking Raven men to arrive in the near future...
To see more of my work, visit my Gallery
Having just finished another Kingdom Death piece I decided to use the
momentum and the rest of my holiday to get some more done. As you can see in the
picture I've prepared some of Kingdom Death' more recent sculpts for painting
and untypically I have decided to work on the bases first.
Right now I'm still unsure about what colours to use on the above models, which means I am also not
sure which model will be my next to paint, but you'll surely see it soon on the
To see more of Sven's work, visit his Gallery
Surprise, surprise, I have been very busy with Mierce this week! I placed a few more orders for characters and monsters I am missing, as well as some of the rather interesting gaming aids - templates, dice etc. For the start of my Brythoniaid warhost, I started building Aradar Mawr, who is essentially a dragon ogre Shaggoth. A excellent figure, in terms of build, I actually found that the model went together relatively easy, and did not have too much in the way of cast lines and excess resin, always a plus to keep me interested in a project
Due to the ease of building Aradae, I now have sufficient momentum and confidence to start building the rest of Warhost. While I am still not 100% about how to paint them, I am happy at the prospect of having a game ready force relatively soon!
So that's what the the team and I are up to! Again our tables are dominated by Mierce miniatures and and is inevitable, considering we only really need a handful of figures! Also as a bonus, my partner has taken the plunge and gotten herself a small Ysian Warhost, so lots of variety and lots of gaming coming soon!
Thanks for reading,
Send The Eighth!
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