Birna Dottir Of Hrafnen is a Warchief (Minor Hero) character for Mierce Miniature's Norse range, and the first miniature with substantial skin tones for me to paint in quite some time. Some of the key things I wanted to do with this figure was tie in a loose uniform that represented the Hrafnen Clan and of course the Sea Faring nature of the Norse archetype. After a bit of research, I decided that various shades of green, blue/black and raven motifs would be the unifying factor for this paint scheme, which could then be applied to the rest of the collection.
Despite a lot of human skin to paint, I seemed to settle down rather easily into the task. On a figure such as this, I almost always work on the face and skin tones first on a figure and while these are the parts I do enjoy the most when painting, I find that they can also be the most time consuming, so once complete, the time needed to finish the figure tends to less.
With the face, I opted for a more plain look, subtle glazes of brown were used for both the lips and eye shadow, to give a much more natural look and less 'made' up. The cheeks were given a light glaze of purple and reds to give some warmth back lost during the highlighting. Amusingly, in the past I have always over contrasted the cheek areas, giving a more masculine finish, however in the case of Birna, I feel I have finally hit a good middle ground. I decided very early on, that I did not want to go the route of a metal
cuirass (chest armour). Not only would the colours be relatively dull,
but also from a 'realism' point of view, a shaped leather cuirass would
be more fitting in the absence of chain mail. I also decided to go for a
much more red leather than I would normally take, as this would allow
me to really get some of the curvature to show in Birna's abdominal
area. Also using a brighter shade of brown allowed me to add distressed
effects on the cuirass to represent movement and wear of the leather.
I opted to make the hair a darker shade of blond as I felt it was the only way to keep the colours relatively muted. One problem with the sculpt however is a general lack of detail (strands) like other miniatures tend to have, especially when looking at the front.
I had to make sure that some form of green was present on the figure, as this ties the model with the Hrafnen clan. While strictly speaking I do not need a uniform for my army, I did want a unifying colour throughout the army, and the muted green does this well enough. For the trousers, I went through a stage of rich greens to blues, giving it an almost shimmering blue effect. This was very much a (successful) experiment, as it will form the primary colours for my Hrafmann (Raven men) when the time comes.
In complete contrast to the rest of the model I decided on a clean white shield, using pale blues and off whites. It is really easy to over complicate things and as a result make them look less Viking/Norse. So I opted for a very simple and clean raven design for the shields emblem. Despite how much a contrast the white shield is to the greens and browns, it seems to have worked for this particular model.
I am very pleased with the way Birna has turned out, and more importantly the time taken to complete her (two days). I find myself quite confident in getting the rest of the human forces painted in good time if I apply the same methods used here. Birna was a excellent model to paint as a break from Vortun and his monstrous horde of trolls.I hope you have enjoyed reading the article and viewing the photos as much as I enjoyed painting and writing it. Darklands has some of the best dark fantasy miniatures on the market today and is developing a fantastic gaming system, I would highly recommend visiting their website to view the range HERE.
To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery
Thanks for reading,
Send The Eighth!
Awesome Job Chris!
ReplyDeleteThanks Greg, am looking forward to getting home, so I can crack in with more Norse!