Greetings, it's Monday, which means it's time to see what each of the respective writers of Send the Eighth Wargaming have on their desks. Onwards with the pics!
I have been very busy organising articles for the coming weeks, including a new carry case review. However I have not let this get in the way of my momentum, following completion of Mierce Miniatures Vortun.
A little less painting and a lot more building has resulted in the above, leaving only three figures to be built now for my Norse collection. This is great news, as it means I can really focus and get the lot painted from now on, as a whole bunch of new Norse will be shipping in the weeks ahead. Onwards to Valhalla!
To see more of my work, visit my Gallery
Even more Kingdom Death on my table this week. I've already built and
primed the Kingsmen last year, but it sat on my shelf and waited for it's
companion the King's Hand which was the last model I really missed from having a
complete Kingdom Death collection.
I was hunting it for ages until a fellow
Mierce fan managed to find one for me. So lots of metal work ahead to get my King a
To see more of Sven's work, visit his Gallery
No words from Hellstrom, just a picture, and once it again it looks like Dragons!
And that concludes another Monday! I have some random, yet interesting things arriving next week for a gaming board I am working on and Sven has some more awesome figures to showcase on Wednesday. So stay tuned in, we have lots more eye candy coming soon!
Thanks for reading,
Send The Eighth!
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