One of my potential lists for 2012, a very basic Librarian led gun-line, I wanted to veer away from a typical mix max army list and focus on some slightly more expensive but perhaps efficient unit combinations, I think auto/las supported by Typhoon can pump out a very tasty amount of fire power per turn if left unchecked. It is a very simple to use list with minimal deep strike risk list but perhaps a high KP score, but at 1500pts I think it has enough AV13 to prove durable and pour fire power into de-meching.
The Librarian as always provide limited psychic power protection and some combinations to harass or protect.
Psychic powers: The Gate of Infinity, Null Zone
Multimelta, heavy flamer, drop pod
Sternguard Veterans
2 Combi-Melta, 2 missile launchers ++Thank you to Gregory Swanson for this idea++
Tactical Squad (5)
5 additional space marines
Meltagun, combi-melta, missile launcher
Tactical Squad (5)
5 additional space marines
Meltagun, Combi-melta, missile launcher
Land Speeder Squadron
Typhoon missile launcher
Land speeder Squadron
Typhoon missile launcher
Land speeder Squadron
Typhoon missile launcher
Lascannon side sponsons
Lascannon side sponsons
Lascannon side sponsons
I still find two tactical squads a little light on the troop department for my liking (even with combat squads), however the amount of range 48" fire power threat is high and I think to even ignore the predators and Typhoons for one turn could prove painful for the enemy. I still have 6 Melta shots to counter deep striking armoured units or transports, however over half of those shots are single-shot only. Despite this I think it will suffice in combination with the six lascannons and three autocannons.
The Sternguard are an anomaly unit that gave me access to another Rhino chassis, I am still tempted to take a standard rhino but with the figures I have to hand, a heavy bolter razorback provides more firepower than what I have available to fire out of ports. I could have gone for another tactical squad and gained extra melt and missiles, but I feel the special issue ammunition and GOI combo will prove useful for last minute objective clearance/grabbing. The same applies to the Dreadnought and drop pod, while the payload may not survive the initial turn, the pod itself poses another bit of AV value that can contest/block los throughout the game.
So thoughts on the list?
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
Inspired? Buy this army from: Wayland Games - Discount Wargames
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