Suffered a bit of painting burnout today after a hectic; but productive; bank holiday weekend of painting. Instead of forcing myself to paint the knights, I spent the day doing other things related to my Empire army, a little building, a little basing and some eBay searching. I did manage to get the block colours in place for Demigryph Knights, but other than that I barely picked up a paintbrush. I also started the cleaning process on Mordax (Great Imperial Dragon). I got almost all the paint and old superglue off and have applied one final coat of degreaser over night to shift the last bits, if I am fortunate enough to finish the Knights tomorrow, I will probably take a crack at building. The Demigryph Mounts are for all purposes complete except bases, I did have an issue over the weekend getting the feathered manes right, but after some mixing and a long tea break to think things over, I got there in the end.
The knights should not take too long, just two coats of metals and detailing. I have two solid weeks to make sure I have an army built and ready for my first game, Lorna has had nothing to do at all really, since she finished building her army a week ago..a testament to just how slow I am at model making ha! If I am unable to field all units in my list, the game will still go on, albeit with a penalty. There will be no proxies, I will only be allowed to field what I have built for my army - which is quite an interesting underdog scenario should it occur.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th legion
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