Greetings readers, just a quick heads up to let you all know, that I am doing the mandatory yearly figure cleanup and this year I have lots of stuff kicking around the hobby den. There will be a wide range of figures available, most will be second hand, built but never painted and in some cases completely brand new in box with original wrapping. I will be adding auctions everyday from now, starting at 7:30pm (UK time) with each auction running for 7 days.
Currently on auction are some Scibor dwarves and Warmachine Khador stuff, going up this evening, will be more Warmachine Khador figures, complete with current cards. I do have some old gems like Squats, various Rogue Trader era Space Marines, AT-43, Confrontation Drunes, Orcs etc all of which will be on auction, so please check daily to avoid missing out.
To see the what is currently available in store (and bookmark for future) click HERE
Thanks for reading and happy shopping/bidding,
The 14th Legion
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