First off, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in last month's 'What should I paint next' poll, your continued interest and contributions really help to keep me motivated on the Minotaur's projects. The number one choice by; a massive margin; was the Contemptor Dreadnought, so for February my vow will be to finish that miniature and get it photographed for the blog.
Today a huge box has arrived containing my new photo studio kit, I am hoping that it is far better than the old Tamiya portable (not hard in all honesty) and a much easier set up. This was a cheap set up compared to others, and comes complete with two lamps with high powered white bulbs, white collapsible tent and background material.
I wish...maybe if I win the lottery
I do have to make a apology however. I did promise to finish tactical squad 2 by the end of January but I have not been able to honour that vow due to a training injury. Details aside, I cannot turn my head to the left or right without being in a lot of pain. I am; albeit very slowly; finishing the final details of squad two and hope to finish by the end of the week. It is slow work but if I continue at the pace I have set this week, I should stay on schedule and perhaps even use the new photo studio for some decent pictures!
So January was very much a prep month for getting new tools and projects back on track, however the nice thing to come from the month was lots of miniatures built and made ready for priming. With more equipment now in place and figures ready for the painting stage, I expect February and beyond to produce more painted miniatures, interesting photos and articles for all of you guys/gals to look at and read.
Thank you for reading,
The 14th legion
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