Friday 4 July 2014

Warzone Resurrection: Bauhaus Juggernauts Paint Progress Shots

Another late night of painting for me as I finalise the highlights for my Bauhaus Juggernaut Squad. These figures are actually the second generation Juggernauts which have a much more fluid feel, due to the better dynamic posing and a better design approach akin to the Edge Of Tomorrow battle suits. I really liked the original 'boxy' Juggernaut concept art and was quite disappointed when Prodos Games took the direction they did due to fan feedback. I can honestly say that the Juggernauts I got with my Kickstarter order, nearly put me off the whole line, so I am immensely happy that they produced the MKII so soon after. 

One of the key struggles with this unit is the vast areas of grey paint, which can look dull if painted flat. By taking a subtle NMM (non metallic metal) approach I think I have added enough stark highlight and subtle shadows to make it stand out on the field. To further make this unit stand out, I am thinking of adding red eyes (maybe with a glow), but what i am hoping is that the osl (object source lighting) effects from the flame bits will be what defines these pieces.

One bright highlight followed by an ink wash is all that is required to finish the plating and of course the battle damage. After that, it is just fatigues and actual metal areas to complete. All in all these Bauhaus units are being churned out rather quickly by my standards and yet have as much character as my Mishima in terms of paint style, minus the intricate free-hand. Although this is not to say that I will not do free-hand on my Bauhaus units, it is just a matter of finding the correct images to apply on what is a very traditional military scheme set on sci-fi technology.

I have to admit that the Bauhaus range has suffered a little from having a rushed look, which is very surprising as they were one of the first announced factions of the Kickstarter campaign, it is to the credit of Prodos Games, that they have taken on board the importance of getting right such a iconic faction and are producing figures of much superior design so soon after fulfillment of pledges.

Thanks for reading,

The 14th legion

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