Tuesday 15 July 2014

Kingdom Death: Satan by Sven NSFW

Well, well, it seems like I really got my motivation for Kingdom Death back running. While all those shiny semi-big monsters and knights are nice this new “wave” is missing something disturbing KD-style. So please bear in mind that the following, is absolutely.


With that being said, let me present you a very special recent release by Kingdom Death: Satan! The creation of Satan was a deal that was struck between Adam from KD and the backers of the Kickstarter campaign when the project reached 666.666 Dollar. While the model wasn’t part of the Kickstarter itself Adam kept his promise and released Satan early May. I was lucky enough to get a limited edition which sold out in about 8 hours, but it took the package over 6 weeks to arrive. Certainly when people thought about a KD Satan most people were thinking about the most disturbing monster ever, but Adam never does something that’s to be expected and what we found in the store looked like two Pin-Ups… at first glance.

After closer inspection of the artwork and the model you’ll realise that the clothes are made of tongues and the skirt of the katana-wielding Satan is made of… well penises. Nevertheless you’d still think why this should be the incarnation of Satan and Adam tells you in the short fluff text:

“So great was Satan’s self-obsession that it split into twin hermaphrodite lovers to share the world with itself. They roam Kingdom Death, drunk with self-lust and power, trapped by their own vanity in fragile human frames. Their armour of living tongues shares the taste of the world between the twins…”

Now I think that’s quite a creative idea and I frankly love the air of the artwork and fluff. When I received the models I was eager to paint them as soon as possible and began thinking about the colour choice. Certainly there wasn’t much freedom concerning the clothes. Tongues are tongues and so would be a lively reddish skin tone. It was then that I realised how masterful and atmospheric the colours of the artwork were chosen by the artist Lokman Lam and I decided to paint my Satan similar to the intended scheme, which is not something I usually do.

Interestingly the main problem I had in the beginning was to choose a theme for the base, as they come on two separate bases, but I wanted them to fit together. I remembered a nice Scibor basing part that I had tucked away somewhere. A big round relief that was split in two and interlocked perfectly. In addition I wanted the base gory and so spread the parts of a body over the two bases. As the models were extremely fragile I feared I might break them should I handle them too much during painting (especially the staff of Mage-Satan gave me several headaches during assembly) and so glued them to the bases right away and painted the base first as that used a lot of dry brushing stone and stippling Clear Red.

The colours for the bodies are quite similar to those I’d used on my Scribe, which I think is a nice touch, as both are supernatural “deities”. Grey hair highlighted to nearly pure white and the pale skin mixture that dates back to my Dark Eldar, but this time I didn’t use the purple wash to keep a healthy and sexy look. Well, basically painting and blending the skin proved to be the main work of the paint job.

For the tongues I mixed dark red with a light grey and added a drop of rosy flesh for the base coat. Then highlighted it three times by adding more and more grey to the mix. A final wash of red and strong tone in the recesses finished the fleshy look. The skirt of Katana-Satan was painted in earthy skin tones while the glands used the same colours as the tongues. It looked quite uniform and so I went a step further and added a spray of white and gloss varnish to some… you may decided for yourself what that’s supposed to depict.

The staff of Mage-Satan was painted using Vallejo real metals and washed with black ink and I think I hit the tone from the artwork quite nicely. Finally I worked on the faces and managed to even get exes with blue irises on Mage-Satan, like the artwork.

For Katana-Satan I had to get a nice wooden texture on the scabbard, for that I went off a dark brown base coat, then added sand brown lines and finally very light beige ones and brought them together by a think brown wash. The sward obviously used real silver and some Clear Red and a bit of glue for the drop of blood. Most people deem Katana-Stan as quite boring concept, but I just love the artwork and I think that comes from the facial expression and those haunting reddish eyes. It took my quite a while to get some kind of smirk on the mouth and then, when I had done the eyes black and white, I washed them and the surrounding areas red. I am quite happy with the result, but it doesn’t rival the art in the slightest.

For the final touch of the model I had a funny idea. I wanted to add some classical satanic imagery to the model and chose the turned cross. So while each model on it’s own just has some trees and a bloody mess on the base, both form a inverted cross when the bases are tucked together. (Sadly the blood cross is hard to see in pictures).

I hope you enjoyed that unique piece of miniature art and if you’re interested I’ve also added a slide show with more pictures of the single models.

Thanks for reading,

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  1. Chris,

    These are amazing. These are incredibly intimidating models, and you rendered them fantastically!

    I can't even begin to consider painting these...so much unforgiving skin!

    1. Hi Greg,

      I am afraid your praise is mis-placed, this beautiful collection is done by Sven. basically Mierce Miniatures and Kingdom Death are his article, while I mainly do Warzone Resurrection at the moment. Tutorials are split between us :)

    2. Ooooh. My mistake. Either way, Sven should beam a little over this.

      Get back to your ironhands! :)

    3. Iron Hands will be coming back round again soon I can promise you! I am currently keeping 3 projects on rotation (4 once AvP turns up!) to prevent paint burn out :)

    4. Understand. I keep flipping back and forth between orks and templars for the same reason! Keep up the good work!

    5. Beaming like crazy now ^^ That should be motivation enough to tackle the next one ;-)
      I just think the pics turned out quite badyl this time :-/


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