Hi all, just a quick post to notify readers that the Reader's Showcase Gallery is now up and running! So what is the Reader's Showcase? Well the answer is in the title, readers of the blog are invited to submit their work with s name/alias they wish to be referred to as and of course if you have any site/blog links of your own, please include those so readers can redirect. All articles will be featured weekly on this blog - usually Tuesday and once a poster reaches 10 submissions, they will get a place in the Reader's Showcase Gallery.
Why am I doing this? I love painted miniatures and I love to write articles. There are a lot of very talented people out there who have amazing painted miniatures, some of whom may not have the exposure they deserve due to a lack of a blog or site etc The Showcase Series is my way of thanking/helping build the community by showcasing fellow hobbyists work.
So If you have a painted piece you really love and want to share with the 14th Legion readers, then please send me a email titled Showcase HERE.
Until then, a big congratulations to Sven, who is the first person to receive a place in the Showcase Gallery, with his amazing Kingdom Death miniatures.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
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