Monday 6 January 2014

Gallery: Mishima Hatamoto

Wave 1 of my Warzone Resurrection pledge arrived on the 23rd of Decemeber 2013, but despite best efforts I was unable to make the necessary free time to paint them up until after New Year. I went for the classic Hatamoto colours scheme of midnight blue with some red armour and glowing green eyes to offset all the blue. I purposely exaggerated the eye glow due to the fact that the sculpts were so fine that in most cases it was impossible to paint lenses/eyes. The bases are custom made using, cork, sand and static grass and have been dotted with patches of snow; as I intend to carry the theme into my Bauhaus collection to represent a winter campaign between the two factions. I am not sure how visible it is but there are also gun casings on various parts of the bases and also one being ejected from a rifle. An excellent set of models and well worth the wait, I am looking forward to painting up the Tiger Dragons when they are released as they will have similar aesthetics to the Hatamoto.

Sadly I was unable to produce a decent video for these figures, the focus on my camera just did not like the multiple subjects spinning on the turn table. I am sure that as long as I stick to independent figures, I will be able to produce videos as normal.

Thanks for reading,

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