Welcome to another edition of Monday Previews! First up I would like to apologise for the lack of photo content over the weekend, my laptop is having some issues (full hard drive), which has meant I have been unable to process/edit the Gallery shots I have stored up. I do have a new hard drive arriving at the end of the week; courtesy of a friend; so fingers cross, with a little bit of bodging I will be up to speed again.
In the mean time lets see just what is lurking on our hobby benches...
My Exalted Chariot Of Slaanesh is on it's final journey to completion, but not without so many issues. I had divided the painting into two parts, hoping that basing would be easier, but the mass scythes at the rear of the miniature are so dominant, that I am sure I will get paint all over them as I paint the sand. I am not quite sure how I am going to bypass the same scenario, when I add the final two chariots to the squad...
To help me get past the stress of the basing issues of my chariot, I decided to build and prime a Bloodthirster, I am hoping to make a start on him towards the end of the week, but of course this will depend on how far I get with respective commissions, I also managed to build/clean a unit of ten Pink Horrors and a Herald of Tzeentch. Now I have to say, the Pink Horrors are lovely models, but completely over sized for the standard 25mm base, so I will probably move them to 32mm in the future, because frankly as it stands, having the models constantly fall over or spin around at the slightest bump, is irritating.
To see more of more work, please visit my Gallery
After finishing the Frogdog I decided I should go for something human sized
again as I'm still waiting for my KD:M Wave 1 to arrive (it's held by customs).
Building resin miniatures always asks for some green stuff work and as I
mixed so much putty I just kept building models until I ran out of it. So here
I am with 9 models ready to be painted. Unfortunately I'm very busy at work at the moment, so I don't know when I'll start on
them, but I think I'll begin with the witches.
To see more of work, please visit my Gallery
So there you have it! new toys all over the place and in various stages of work.
Thanks for reading,
Chris & Sven
Send The Eighth!
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