Wednesday 20 January 2016

Gallery: Chaos Daemons - Nurglings By Chris

January 2016 has been very productive for me so far! It seems that small decisions; like going from mono to multi-god; has been the right move. It has giving me more painting and modelling options than ever, resulting in finished figures. As you can see below, elements of my long forgotten Nurgle collection have started to reappear and fully painted too!

I only made a few adjustments to the Nurgling stands as they were pretty much fine despite a couple of years storage There was the odd damage to fix, but the main task was to finish them completely by re-basing and adding additional features like shrubs, leaves and mushrooms. I think these little changes go a long way to making them stand out more than before.

Next up will be my Plaguebearers, who have received a similar repair job and basing treatment to the Nurglings, so stayed tuned in to see those soon.

To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery

Thanks for reading,

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