Wednesday 6 January 2016

Gallery: Kingdom Death - Lion Knight 1st By Sven

Just as planned after the Mondays preview I managed to finish the Butcher, but as I need to take some more pictures of it and I would like to start the New Year with one of my favourites I present you today: Lion Knight 1st.

In the background of Kingdom Death the godlike Golden Entity created three brother generals to lead it's armies. The first released model and in fact one of Kingdom Deaths most well known models was the middle brother, the Lion Knight 2nd. So the character of the other two Lion Knights was an intriguing mystery for a long while. Last year the Lion Knight 1st made its appearance. A twisted, failed being with its vision constantly fixed a few moments in the future, tossed aside and locked away.

The strange anatomy of the Lion Knight 1st shows some nice Giger’esque features and a much less feline and regal look than his brother. To pull those out a bit, I enlarged the mouth a bit and modelled some fangs, just like the artwork. The most difficult and tricky part was of course the skin. It was done by layering Tallarn Flesh (Cit.) mixed with some Heavy Siena (Val.) and washing it in-between the layers with fleshtone, brown, red and purple washes. For the face I also added some highlights of Desert Yellow (Val.) enhance that slightly lion-like look.

The model of the Lion Knight is accompanied by a rolling cloud of the so-called Wailing Smoke, the only dialogue partner of the Knight in his prison. That was really fun to paint, as I was able to do some serious drybrushing again. I really like the look of the fleshy tones for the faces in the smoke. Really a haunting sculpt. For a moment I even considered putting it on a separate base, as the front turned out so nicely.

Like I said, I do like the model a lot, but I’m not 100% happy with my painting in some places. The white side of the cloak being the most obvious. Despite my best efforts it somehow and going back and forth the transitions didn’t turn out as I wanted them to be. The skin is also not perfect in every place. Nevertheless the overall appearance and feeling of the model works well and the Knight fits nicely with my other servants of the Entity.

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

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