Hello everyone on this cold, wet and windy night! The fence has blown down (again) and the dog sprayed the living with mud, in typical winter fashion. Regular readers will know that I have been ecstatic with my huge order for Warzone: Resurrection arriving over the weekend. I had intended to do an un-boxing post/video, but in my enthusiasm I set about working on figures almost straight away. Despite having a massive Bauhuas collection (every figure available during the Kickstarter) I ultimately dove into my Mishima miniatures - a mere 25 in comparison. As of today, I have five Ronin and the Meka. built/primed and also five Hatamoto built, primed and in process of painting. I don't think I will be able to finish before Christmas Day, but I will be making a very good go at it, and at the very least I will have had a good practice at building and painting Warzone miniatures.
The above Hatamoto colour scheme is based off the original miniatures and art, as Prodos does not have any in house display figures as far as I am aware. This means that almost all the paint work is guess work or referencing from the old Warzone books of the 90's (which I have). I know Prodos are working on RPG books, so I am sure uniforms and badges will appear eventually, so as a result I am trying to keep the paint work relatively badge free outside of Corporation badges. One thing is for sure however, the Mishima range has always been less uniformed compared to the other factions, in order to reflect the feudal system, so what ever I end up painting should fit in without too much hassle.
A quick word on the miniatures, they are very intricately detailed, almost too detailed and initially I was concerned that it would be lost during priming. I am happy to say that this is not the case as can be seen in the Hatamoto miniature. However despite the general positive experience with the miniatures experienced by backers, I do have to say that a few of the casts I received were quite bad. Above you can clearly see a massive air bubble in the resin, which has warped this component totally. As with the case with resin cast miniatures, when done en masse, a loss of quality is very visible, almost on par with Games Workshop early Finecast. The quick turn around of resin moulds quickly degrade the moulds, causing slippage (where two halves the model don't line up) or totally warping on the component. In fact mould wear is the very reason why I did not get my two squads of Venusian ranges with this delivery (now scheduled for next month).
I have to admit, that I did lament a little over the weekend as the prospect of doing an entire 'Finecast' army may have required more effort and work than would have been reasonable. I was not relishing the idea of having to green stuff every other model in a collection almost hundred strong. When you compare this to the relatively clean Games Workshop plastic kits, it almost killed the project before it started. However once I applied paint to miniature, my perspective changed and thus far I am enjoying the process thoroughly. I am really looking forward to painting the Ronin, as they have such an awesome amount of detail for basic line troops and have some excellent head sculpts with very realistic facial sculpts.
So well done Prodos Games, for resurrecting a great game and reinventing a great miniature line. I look forward to getting my Mishima force up and running, while the fiance is eyeing up the Bauhaus miniatures...I sense a game brewing!
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
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