Wednesday 11 December 2013

Reader's Showcase #7: Kingdom Death Forge Priest & Mother

Sven is back with two more complete Kingdom Death figures: The Forge Priest and the Mother. These are two very different figures and sculpts, with one being a violent hammer swinging action pose, while the other is a static, eerie ritual to bloody demonic birth. But enough from me, I will let the photos (and Sven) do the talking for me.

Please note that the Mother figure is NSFW

For this weeks article I tried to keep myself motivated to paint two of my favourite man sized miniatures: The Mother and the Forge Priest. I was really looking forward to those two, as they would complement the previously completed: Chosen, Grand Mother and Forge God. Because there is a familial link between the figures, it meant that I had a very clear picture in mind of what colours I would using and so could start with little to no delay. Looking at my collection of unpainted miniatures now, I have to realise, that I'm nearly run out of "monsters" but still have more than 10 characters left. 

The Mother is a calm and beautiful sculpt that just asks for light, creamy white tones. So for the main cloth I used the same colour that I used on the Chosen's and Grand Mother's cloth. For the skintight parts I tried to achieve a semi-transparent look but it turned out quite unspectacular, however it did not disturb the overall appearance of the figure, so I was content to leave it the way it is. 

The metals are the typical formula mentioned in previous articles and again I used regular gold, washed with strong tone and then highlighted up to white gold. From the outset I wanted to use the calm and gory-contrast that had worked out well on the Chosen. The addition of some Tamiya Clear Red post paint, finished the miniature off. For a moment I thought about having the blood originating from between her legs, but decided that that would just be too much. What do people think?

Much like the Mother figure, I had a clear vision in mind for the Forge Priest, simply that he should mirror the Forge Gods colours. So I began the model with a the same brownish skin tone that I used on the Forge God's heads and went on with the metallic skin tone for the cloak. The cloak turned out a little more pinkish and metallic than the original tone an the God, which actually might have looked good on the God as well. For the helmet I used the same metals that I've used on the God's belt. I think you have an idea where I got my inspiration for the Priest's hammer... 

Having finished the Forge Priest ahead of schedule, I decided to finish the acolytes on the base of the Forge God using the same palette for the skin as the Forge Priest.

Yet another awesome paint job by Sven, our resident Kingdom Death fan!

The Reader's showcase is a series dedicated to the you the reader! If you have a painted piece you really love and want to share with the blog, then please send me an email titled Showcase HERE.

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!
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