Saturday 21 December 2013

Site News: Warzone Resurrection Is Here!

A very quick post here as I am extremely excited about what has arrive today, no less than 3 boxes taped together of Prodos Games Warzone: Resurrection miniatures, books and cards! As you can imagine I am going to be spending quite a bit of time going through and checking what is here and what is not (there is a second wave of releases coming next month). Needless to say, there will be a lot of new content coming to the blog and not a moment to soon, with Christmas a few days away.

So thank you Jarek and Rob of Prodos Games, your communication throughout has been excellent, even going so far as to phone me in person to reassure and inform me of the order status. It is the little things like that, that go a long way to building a positive reputation in the community.

Thanks for reading,

The 14th Legion

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