Not much left to do on this figure, just small details such as eyes, hair and of course the black jacket highlights. It has been very nice painting skin tones again; and I think it has turned out quite nicely; which leaves me looking forward to painting the rest of the miniature line. I find it very important to enjoy the pieces I work on, as they define whether or not you will be able to complete more long term projects, such as an army or full faction.
If I get the time, I will finish off the small details tomorrow and start planning a decent photo shoot for next week, and hopefully this will mean I can start a new Anima figure on Sunday. However I am going to have to be very strict with timing from next week as I should be having a game of 40K towards the end of the months and so need to refocus effort on the Minotaurs.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
Inspired? Pick up some paints and brushes from: Wayland Games - Discount Wargames
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