Monday 27 July 2015

Monday Previews!

Good morning, hope you had a productive weekend! Since it's Monday, lets get rid of those blues and see just what the writers here at Send The Eighth! are up to...

Well last week I finally finished the last member of my unit of Trolls, so this week I am taking a change of pace and working on infantry. On the table we have the Hrafnen Crew from Mierce Miniatures, their take on the Viking archetype. I have decided to go with no defined uniform, in favour of keeping it fairly in line with history. So bright cloth palettes, beige and different coloured shields all round. Once complete I intend to use them as Chaos Marauders led by Wulfrik The Wanderer in Age Of Sigmar (represented by either Eirik or Knutr).

Also on the table is a medium sized Warzone Resurrection Cybertronic commission. This is merely the start of the client's army so expect more Cybertronic in the future. With attention being drawn back to Warzone, I myself am eyeing up a new faction for my own, the question being of course which one?...

To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery

Yes, a strange game without balancing rules really rekindled my love for my old Khemri army. Well, if I look at it from this perspective: I got free rules for my existing army that was collecting dust in the cupboard. Actually that was quite a nice move of GW, between all my painted stuff, I also found some unpainted pieces from the latest Khemri releases and as most of you might know: I love snakes ^^

I got three painted up already, but will now get some command models ready, as those are nice and free to have in Age Of Sigmar.

To see more or my work, please visit my Gallery

This weeks photo is of Angrislaug, Draiggoch Of Eryri.  As you can see he's green stuffed and the base corked and sanded.

I am hoping to get some more Mierce miniatures in my hands soon

To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery

So, lots of fantasy and a little bit of sci-fi for good measure. There is scenery in the works too as plans are afoot for some fast and furious games of Age Of Sigmar, but more on that later, as we still need some Mierce Miniatures reinforcements to ship!

Thanks for reading,

Send The Eighth!

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