For those of you who’re following the Mondays Previews this article won’t
come as a surprise. Today I’d like to finally show you the finished King’s Man,
a model that sat on my table for ages, as I never felt motivated to tackle all
those metals. But when I finally got my hands on a King’s Hand, which I’ve been
missing for a felt eternity and so was very keen to paint, I decided to work on
them simultaneously.
The metals were once again done with the Vallejo true metals and as I’ve
ranted about before, the contrast that can be achieved within the gold is rather
subdued. Gladly the silver is so nice and shiny and allows the darkened gold to
stand out. Nevertheless quite some dark lining was needed to get a distinct look
and it took me several attempts to get the right balance between shaded and
glossy gold.
The coat of course was meant to mirror the colours of my King but it
seems due to the heavily folded fabric I highlighted it too much and the end
result was way lighter than the coat of the King. It took me some effort and a
lot of washing to get to a tone that fitted the original inspiration. I really
like the look that the Vallejo washes create. That dull quality fits fabric very
well in my opinion and it is a nice counterpoint to the shiny armour.
If you’re interested in some WIPs you can find some in the Monday Previews
from the last months.
Thanks for reading,
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