What was it about this isolated, barren place? What hidden powers lay locked in the vaults of this long abandoned post? Brother Librarian Lycurgon; now recovered; had rejoined his battle brothers on the planet's surface. During his recovery in the care of the Chapter Apothecaries he had dreamt of strange alien objects, inhuman beings, and lucid colours in the sky that bloomed like ripe flowers in his mind's eye. Recent skirmishes with Chaos forces so early into the campaign did nothing but worry him further, where there was Chaos, there was the warp. His concentration broke as memories of the first engagement resurfaced, the memory crisp and precise as if he was living it again, his armour was rent in dozens of places and his shield shattered as a huge Chaos dreadnought in the colours of the Sons of Horus, prepared to finish him. He snapped back into reality and considered the matter, ultimately the Chaos strike force had been vanquished by the fury of the Minotaurs, but Lycurgon knew that Chaos was an infection, just when you thought it had been defeated, it would re manifest and swarm back like a cancer, especially in places such as this, where he could feel the faint warp signatures in everything around him...even the air, this place had to be a conduit and the answer was within the complex itself, like flies to rotten fruit, all of them; Imperial, heretic and xenos alike were drawn to this place. Lycurgon was sure that he would see the ugly face of Chaos again before this investigation was through, but for now there were more immediate issues to hand, the Orks.
Veteran Sergeant Cordus of Tactical Squad 'Araios' approached and gave salute.
"Brother Librarian." It was a vented statement, hissed forth without any emotion. Lyurgon did not turn to face the Sergeant, but nodded in acknowledgement.
"Orks sighted north of complex, attack imminent, numbers unconfirmed. Tactical Squads Araios and Dorusas have taken position at the complex's primary gate. Terminator Squad Gerousias awaits yours instructions."
Yes, Lycurgon thought once more...like flies drawn to rotten fruit.