Bronze armour stages complete, just need to fill in details and do the reds, I am happy with the weathering on the veteran stripes and will be using what I learnt from that to do scratches on the armour and weapons. I was overly optimistic at thinking I could get this unit done by the end of this week (namely because I paint as fast as a one legged sloth) but the results; in my opinion; are better than the previous squads I have completed and therefore worthwhile. Once I have gotten the technique sorted, I will be going back over the other miniatures and adding additional fine details.
I am probably not going to do anymore hobby today as I stayed up until around 3am last night, fuelled by coffee and enthusiasm, and am now feeling the negative effects haha. I also need to save my energy for the inevitable wallet abuse throughout tomorrow mwahaha. I know recently I have been very slack on the Forge World news, I am well aware of all the nice shiny things they have recently released, but have been snowed under with work this end.
I hope things will be back to normal as of next week.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
Inspired? Reinforce today with: Wayland Games - Discount Wargames
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