Friday 20 April 2012

The Night Before Salute 2012

Tomorrow is Salute, the largest wargaming event in London. Sadly this year I will not be entering the painting competition as I under estimated how long I would need to finish my entry *cue sad panda face*. However this does mean I can run amok on the retail stands and pester Mike McVey, depending on whats available I will probably be looking to add to my ISC Eden war band and most likely buying a Sedition War set, of course anything goes and if its a beautifully sculpted miniature, I will probably buy it...much to the lament of my bank account.

If you see me running around and fancy saying hello or even arranging a game, please do so!

Me (DiStudios) & Evi Salute 2011

To find out more about Salute 2012 including travel details click HERE

Thanks for reading and hope to see you there!

The 14th Legion

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