Wednesday 14 October 2015

Gallery: Kingdom Death - White Knight By Sven

The White Knight was a long time enigma of Kingdom Death. It was mentioned in several instances in the fluff of other models and when it was finally released it was yet another piece to the puzzle that is the Golden Entity and its army.
The White Knight is one of the rarer Kingdom Death pieces, in that it has some kind of modularity. The arms and head have all got ball joints and so can be adjusted. So I went with a more forward orientated stance that looks more like he’s just about to join the fray.
Painting this model was a real pleasure and like a small holiday from more tiresome minis I’ve been painting before. When I had settled for the colours (which wasn’t too hard given the name of the model) it was basically like painting by numbers. The cloak got the usual sand-white treatment like all my other servants of the Golden Entity.
The knight was finally a miniature that really allowed the true metallic paints to shine. Big areas with a lot of recesses and edges allow for a nice shading (using Ogryn Flesh in my chase) and still enough place to build up the shine again.
The hardest part was certainly the armour, as my white/metallic medium-mix just didn’t cover on the rather dark silver base coat I used. So I had to cover the whole armour in my lightest silver before carefully layering the mix on it. As a final detail I added some silver swirls to the shoulder pads and upper leg-armour. Very subtle and I’m afraid quite hard to see in the pictures. But this shot shows it quite nicely.
I really like the big 50mm-base for this guy. He’s only slightly bigger than a regular human, but this base alone makes him stand out from the heroes like the monster he’s supposed to be.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy this model as much as I do.
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