Unnolg is the latest Troll to be completed for my collection. Sporting a very mean looking cleaver, he exudes nastiness. Having now done a lot of research into the Mierce Troll range, it turns out that the weapon load is pretty much an accident. At the time of design, there was no game being developed, as a result, sculptors had a free reign as to how to equip the trolls. With a game now in works, it seems that Unnolg will actually belong to a unit exclusively armed with two handed weapons...that will look simply brutalicious on the table! Below is Mierce Miniature's background for him.
It is said that the Thurs, what others call Trolls, do not travel well
over the seas. It suits neither their temperament nor their bellies,
these people say, and if they are to be fought it should be when they
are upon the shore, recovering from their journey, their stomachs queasy
and their minds ill-brought. Perhaps these tales have a grain of truth
in them. Perhaps they are told simply to give courage to those warriors
who would confront the Norse. Whatever the truth of the matter, few who
tell the tale have fought those such as Unnolg, a Thurs of slime and
wart, of immense strength and unflinching brutality, for even as their
ships are beaching the Trolls leap to the shore, bellowing and howling,
charging into the weakling men sent against them and scattering them
like leaves in the wind. Unnolg and his kin may indeed travel poorly
across the seas; but they care not, for they would sail to the end of
the world if there were blood to be spilled.
With four down and one to go, a group shot is in sight. After that, who knows, perhaps something big and scary!
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