Zone Mortalis is the latest scenery release from Forge World, my set has just arrived and naturally I could not wait to start opening it. Please note, due to time constraints that this is just a first glance analysis of the product. The full set consists of four different tiles that are available individually and be can be set in a number of variations to create unique maps. When combined it is large enough to create a 2" x 2" gaming space which is large enough to sit on a four person dining table and comfortably play games. An interesting thing to note is that the resin unlike previous products is black as opposed to the grey used on the miniatures and also that these tiles are hollow.
Each tile has been sculpted with some nice detailed corridors and floor panels, with plenty of space for the ambitious painter to add additional painted detail (maybe some Ork graffiti!). The design as you would expect is gothic with arched bulk heads, Imperial Eagles and lots of cabling.
One of the surprising things about each tile is how light they are due to the hollow cast, and this means each tile is potentially stackable with a lower chance of damaging, chipping or general breakage occurring, of course time will tell once I get this painted and gaming commences on it.
The set is designed for new tiles to be added in the future much like the Realm of Battles board and unfortunately like the GW plastic board this set carries premium price tag of £90.00 for the set, this means attempting a 4" x 4" board is going to cost you lots. However fans of Space Hulk or general Space combat missions should get a lot of mileage out of the standard 2" x 2". I look forward to adding the door sets when they are announced and am intrigued to see what else Forge World will offer in the board making department.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
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