Saturday 6 November 2010

Wip: Thrullg & Bases

A nice and productive follow up to the completion of the Blackhide Wrastler. I have completed the bases for both Snapjaw and the Thrullg complete with arc markings, with only the resin to dry. At the same time I cleaned and constructed the Thrullg model.

The bases have turned out well as a theme, especially with the addition of different coloured static grass. The addition of a few garden twigs have also produced a much more authentic look to the swamp theme. I was keen to prime and get some colour on the Thrullg today, but the weather was not co-operating. At least tomorrow I can look forward to some solid painting. Being mostly a single colour figure (purple) I may be able to get it done quickly, however I do have some effects running in my head that may look good on this model.

Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion

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