The winter cold certainly has not affected Sven's productivity, who has once again has some excellent eye candy for us. Not satisfied with just one figure, he has in fact finished and photographed all three of Kingdom Death's Great Game Hunter miniatures.
In between all those strange monsters and eerie characters like the Twilight
Knight, the Great Game Hunters come across a little unspectacular and normal in comparison. Nevertheless the miniatures are of the same great detail and character, I have come to expect from Kingdom Death miniatures.To myself motivated I purposefully painted these figures in between more exciting monster sculpts, that way I had an 'incentive' to finish these figures on time.
Originally I just wanted to paint the female Great Game hunter, as I had bought it pre-built, but very soon I came to the conclusion that it would be more effective to group all three sculpts into one session. By doing so I would be able to paint them fairly uniformed and also be three figures closer to a fully painted collection before Kingdom Death: Monster ships. Despite the artworks being quite different in choice of colours, I had already planned to use the same palette for all three Great Game Hunters. In the end I chose the artwork for the Female Great Game Hunter as the overall scheme for all three, but further limited myself to green, dark red and white, as I didn't want them to get too bright or colourful.
For these miniatures I used the "from the inside to the the outside" approach, meaning I started with the skin and moved on to the outward layers, this method seems to work best for my human miniatures and also it helps achieve a realistic and not so bright look which I envision for my whole Kingdom Death collection (maybe apart from the Saviours..but we will see). The skin was obviously most important for the Pin Up-Great Game Hunter and while I am aware that the Pin Ups aren't supposed to be part of the gaming world, I believe, that they can tie in perfectly when painted a bit duller that implied in the artworks and most painted versions. Surprisingly I must admit, that the Pin Up was my favourite of the Hunters to paint and seems to be the darkest model fluff wise, as she comes with a child slave accessory. The Slave was painted at the very beginning, as I painted him when I did the skin on all models, for a little extra darkness and Kingdom Death-flair I added whip scars on his back using purple and red washed. For the skin itself I just used my lighter palette for female skin.
The male Hunter has great detail on his clothes, but that' about it. He was actually my
least favourite of the bunch to paint and I fear he just feels a bit
uninspired. He is supposed to have some kind of beard, but when I painted it, it looked a little strange, as his face is already quite busy without it. So I decided
to cover the beard up and leave it be.
So a very busy week for out resident Kingdom Death fan, with so much done this week, I wonder what could possibly be in store for next. Below is a slide show of all three figures at various angles, you can see a lot of extra details that these lovely figures have sculpted on them.
The Reader's Showcase is a series dedicated to the you the reader! If you have a painted piece you really love and want to share with the blog, then please send me an email titled Showcase HERE.
Thanks for reading,
Send The Eighth!
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