Wednesday 11 January 2012

Badab War: Minotaurs 1500pts

Ok, taking time in-between paint drying to share one of my potential 1500pt army lists, I have gone for an odd ball list. The list is basically a 500pt add-on to the 1000pt list I wrote about at the start of the month and model wise is not too much more work to upgrade to. However I have swapped out the Sternguard/Razorback combo platter with Tactical Terminators armed with an assault cannon and upgraded the Librarian to Terminator armour with the idea of gating or throwing vortexes around. The Sternguard in Razorback would be a more competitive choice but I really want to see Terminators of a non-assault variety on the table as I really like the conversions I have built.

Terminator armour & storm bolter 
Psychic powers: The Gate of Infinity, Vortex of Doom

Terminator squad (5) 
Assault cannon, chainfist

Multimelta, Extra armour,
Replace Storm bolter with heavy flamer
Drop pod

Tactical Squad (5)
5 additional space marines
Meltagun, power fist, missile launcher

Tactical Squad (5)
5 additional space marines
Flamer, power weapon, melta bombs, Lascannon

Tactical Squad (5) 
5 additional space marines
Meltagun, missile launcher

Lascannon side sponsons

Heavy bolter side sponsons 

Heavy bolter side sponsons

The list still has a bit of AV with three Rhinos, three Predators and the suicide dreadnought which now gets extra armour to help (a little) get past deployment turn. The Predators are pretty much standard issue providing anti infantry and a little torrent fire for light mech. The third Predator however has been upgraded to lascannon sponsons, as this year for some strange reason I feel the love for lascannons, going so far as to upgrade one of the tactical heavy weapons to a lascannon also. I do sort of crave the Sternguard unit over the Terminators, due to an extra lascannon and some AP2 but I will keep my resolve and try to use the Terminators to the best of my ability. An instant fix would be to take the Cyclone missile launcher, but again I am resolved to stick to the Assault Cannon as much as possible. The tactical squads are heavily equipped with Sergeants being tooled up for melee and anti-tank. I am sure I can strip units down and use the points for something else but I want my tactical squads to be in a position to multi task situations, should the need arise. It is not a competitive list, but is one that includes a variety of interesting models that should look pretty on the table and provide me a lot of entertainment in games.

Thanks for reading,

The 14th Legion

Inspired? Reinforce today with: Wayland Games - Discount Wargames

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