After my disappointing Preacher Pin Up paint job, I decided to push myself today by starting another figure. Today I started the Kingdom Death Saviour miniature, another small female miniature loaded with detail.
I completely de-constructed the way I look miniature painting and more importantly painting flesh, having decided on reverting to a much older technique I used some 10 years ago and using Tamiya Fine Primer again. From the initial photos, I think the extra thought and changes to technique has paid off.
I completely de-constructed the way I look miniature painting and more importantly painting flesh, having decided on reverting to a much older technique I used some 10 years ago and using Tamiya Fine Primer again. From the initial photos, I think the extra thought and changes to technique has paid off.
It sometimes feels like a giant circle of trial and error, trying to figure out what works and what does not, and also removing from my mindset the concept of army painting. This is also the first figure to be worked on with my new Vallejo Model Colour paint set, which I ordered this week, the old Vallejo Game Colour case has been donated to my partner for her painting projects.
To get to this stage was very time consuming requiring lots of mixes, and there was a whole load of mistakes and rectifications on the way. However I think the skin blending is pretty good this time round looking a lot more smooth unlike the Preacher miniature.
It's looking pretty good so far and I am hoping to get her finished in record time (by tomorrow) before I go away for the week (work).
Thanks for reading,
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