Last week Kingdom Death added to it's general release, a 54mm version of their iconic Twilight Knight Pinup character. After losing last week to work commitments and the flu, I have finally managed to open and inspect the pieces that make up this fabulous miniature.
This figure uses the new smaller packaging first seen with the Grand Mother release, with a business card sized box, with a black print of the art on the cover. This release comes with a brand new art piece from Lokman Lam and quite frankly it is beautiful, part of me secretly wishes for a sculpt based on the new art piece.
The new release format seems to include a smaller cut out art-card, perhaps to be used as a colour reference, and of the course the obligatory "Thank You" card from the KD Team. My only criticism here would be, that the previous Grand Mother release saw the introduction of a large Deck Protector for the artwork. It would have been nice to see this carried on with all post Grand Mother releases. The sheer peace of mind that a plastic sleeve can generate for a collector is amazing considering the boutique prices being asked.
Being a 54mm cast, you can really see detail that was lost during the cast/cut process when compared to the 30mm version. The sword hilt and pommel, despite having a basic design are brought out nicely at this scale and the armour is crisp and more defined compared to it's originator.
However at this scale you can see mould lines, my cast has very noticeable mould lines and areas with minor air bubbles, something I have taken for granted with previous releases due to the "awe" of the figure. Although the same should be said about ANY miniature you buy, do inspect the purchases and spend some time cleaning them. There is nothing worse than painting up a lovely figure, only to notice a gaping hole in the back of the head ;-P
The 54mm Twilight Knight is a lovely figure and will make for a very nice display/diorama piece.From the building side of things, I do like the fact that this figure has been cut into very easy to assemble pieces and it is refreshing to not have to worry about adding little bits of this and that, especially when you really just want to start throwing paint on the figure. This figure should assemble nice and easy and make for a pleasant paint job, I highly recommend it.
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
At time of writing, Kingdom Death have 53 of this figure in stock. To learn more about Kingdom Death or purchase your own Twilight Knight, click HERE
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