When this blog first started, there were numerous articles featuring the start of my Pre-Heresy Deathguard army; which I had a lot of fun sculpting and converting...However this Pre-Heresy madness had actually started a year earlier and with what I called at the time the "Terran 1st Legion" or more commonly; the Dark Angel's Legion, at the time I was using the same 'Doghouse' build technique for my space marines which again meant a lot of time investment.
I have been working on the first Tactical Squad and a Terminator squad, using a plethora of Forge World resin parts; the initial project will be 1000 points and depending on personal interest may grow larger. This project is a welcome addition and break from painting hordes of Khador miniatures. As they say, variety is the spice of life!
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
*To keep up to date with all Dark Angel project updates, join the Legion by becoming a follower - see left column*
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