So with 1 more day to go, Forge World drop another pre-release bomb. For all those Ork and Necron players, two large items will be released in limited quantities.
First up: Necron Tomb Tomb Stalker, which had been mentioned but then dismissed as a fan kit bash. Basically a giant metal Centipede, could this be a design direction reflective of the future Necron Codex, can expect more mechanical bugs in future?
For Ork fans, the Grot mega Tank showcased at GD Baltimore will also be available, a nice looking tank which reminds me a lot of the old Epic Ork vehicles.
So lots of wallet abuse from Forge World, and who knows what GW has in it's sleeves for their own pre-releases (if any).
To all those going to Games Day UK this year, have fun!
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
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