Greetings and salutations, I am finally back with new content to share! This year has incredibly busy for me, as I got use to the concept of working commissions for companies (Word Forge Games and others). This coupled with a exceptionally busy private commission year, meant more time behind the paint desk, than behind the computer. However I have finally managed to strike a decent balance, and while I still have loads of commissions to get through, I also have time/content to share on the blog. So without further delay, here come the toys...
Due to the commission work, there has not been much time for me to work on my personal collection. Despite this, I have been working my way through my Warzone Bauhaus collection, with nearly a nearly complete unit of Blitzers and a Corporate bodyguard to boot. Not much I admit, but merely the tip of the iceberg, as the collection as a whole has grown quite massively since I last shared.
In the picture above, you can also see one of my recently completed commissions - Freebooter Miniatures: Pirates. These are 100% complete and will be photographed and shared on this blog tomorrow, so keep an eye out for those, as I think they are among my best pieces to date.
Round the corner, we have a bunch of Mierce Norse figures, I have been slowly grinding through, as well as the final bits of a Word Forge Games commission. So next week is cars, Vikings and Corporate Germans!
Thanks for reading,
Chris 'DiStudios'
Send The Eighth!
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