Greetings on this rather grey looking day. It's Monday, so why not wipe away those start of week blues by taking a look at some of the projects being worked on by the Send The Eighth! writers. We have a good mix of projects today, which will make for a much more interesting read.
I have not had a lot of luck with GW products recently. Each GW/FW project seems to become a black hole of cash, while simultaneously creating a mountain of resin, which I inevitably end up selling off. So it was a total surprise to me, that I would be inspired by a few left pieces from a forgotten bits box. Below is the starts to a new Crimson Fists force; and in case you are having deja vu; yes I did actually start a Crimson Fists project a while back, however there is one subtle difference - these is Rogue Trader themed.
In a throw back to my child hood, I am making my force entirely out of MK 6 Corvus armour, with the 25th Anniversary figure acting as Pedro Kantor, and as you can see from above, I have made some progress since starting the project 24 hours ago, with the blues in the final phases of painting. Forge World's Horus Heresy range has proven incredibly useful, not just in the armour department, but also vehicles, with the Deimos pattern Rhino chassis, being the perfect update for Rogue Trader's original. I am quite excited about this project as an addition to my Mierce Norse collection and am looking forward to sharing my progress.
To see more of my work, please visit my Gallery
This weekend another of my Kickstarter projects paid off. After
quite some waiting time; and after I piggybacked a supporter of
CoolMiniOrNots's Wrath of Kings; my three models finally arrived.
Basically that order ties in with every single of my active projects. I
got an awesome octopus mount for my Darklands Fomoraic, and Kingdom Death
cross-over and the Ancient King for my Tomb Kings.
As you can see the boxes are really nice and huge (I included the other models to give you a comparison). While the octopus is quite big, the Twilight Knight and Ancient King are just regular 28mm models, so the packaging could be considered a bit lavish. I feel really thrilled about those models and can't wait to get to work on them. When I do so I'll do a proper un-boxing, as there's quite some nice stuff to be seen.
To see the rest of my work, please visit my Gallery
Something a little different this Monday as I have a Horus Heresy Deimos
Vindicator Laser Destroyer that I constructed and have started to paint
for my Iron Hands. I Felt it was something that would nicely compliment
my somewhat neglected collection.
I also just received another order from Mierce, Banelords and Banebeasts, so will probably be putting those together during the week. Some really lovely figures among them so will enjoy photographing them after construction.
So lots of new toys and projects going on, a little something for everyone!
Thanks for reading,
Send The Eighth!
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