Mierce Miniatures are at it again, with a brand new Kickstarter - Darklands: Savage Hordes! This new KS deals with bringing the ranged element to the existing armies of the Darklands universe, with archers, crossbows and possibly artillery being thrown into the mix. With this new expansion comes a new expansion rule set, which will cover the above mentioned units. Right now, two factions are being offered, but of course like with all KS, new toys will be unlocked as we roll on. For now, take a look below at the two lovely factions being initially offered: Albainn and Jutes. For those who have no experience with Mierce Miniatures, the miniatures follow extremely closely to the the artwork especially in terms of detail.
The high quality resin sets; which is similar to what Studio McVey; clock in at £90, however metal versions of the sets are also being offered at £60, which significantly brings the cost down for those looking to bag large amounts of high detailed miniatures for army building. I personally have gone for the resin, as I just prefer working with resin these days. This time round, I will be doing my very best to keep readers here up to date on the Darklands project, but as always, visit the project directly for the most up to date news.
As a final note, the core rule book is coming into it's final stages before being sent to printers, so it means there will be a dedicated system for all of these lovely miniatures. All I can say, is that if you are not a fan of the simplicity of AoS, and miss the challenging complexity of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, then you probably should check out what Mierce Miniatures has to offer. To see learn more about Mierce Miniatures and their rule set (free PDFs) check out their site - Mierce Miniatures
Darklands: Savage Hordes is up and running now, with 19 days on the clock! Keep a close eye as we lead into the weekend, as I am sure the Mierce team will be unveiling brand new artwork, which is always worth a view.
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