Hey there, with the summer haze coming to a close, the article/hobby drought here on the blog has come to an end. Despite the lack of articles, I have been very busy over August preparing both Mierce and Kingdom Death miniatures to share with you all. Today, as a kick-start, I am bringing some good ol’ Kingdom
Death… and today it’s even safe for work!
Today’s model is the Gold Smoke Knight which was released together with the
Satan twins and which I had actually painted a while ago. The model has a really
nice Asian design to it, while still carrying the typical Kingdom Death
atmosphere through the sad leonine faces and I must say that I really like the air of the model
(pun intended). Being another of Kingdom Death’s mysterious knight models I
wanted him to get in line with the other two I’ve already finished, the Dung Beetle and Storm Knight. That basically means that I went for a metallic
coloured armour using a special technique I have come to like lot.
Strange enough I chose to follow the official colour scheme again, which
basically comes from the fact that I want my Gold Smoke Knight to be golden and
the red smoke just fits perfectly. So I began with a mix of Vallejo Metallic
Medium and Yellow as a base tone. The Metallic Medium mixes cover quite badly
and it took several coats to get to the point shown above.
While the photos are a little blurry, you can still basically see how I highlighted the metal using more Metallic Medium and then inked it with Vallejo Yellow Ink followed by brown and flesh tones in the shades and recesses. I use inks on this, because they keep that shiny look and do not dull the metals so much and the yellow ink really surprised me as it looks very rich. Finally a highlight with pure Metallic Medium finished the armour. The loincloth and fur where done in a very light beige (old Citadel Dheneb Stone) washed with brown and sepia tones.
The metallic edges and the hammer were again done with the alcohol based Vallejo True Metal colours going from copper over gold to pure silver for the edges. The smoke was slowly layered from black over red to light orange.
For the base I applied my usual stuff technique and bits opting for stone lion head to complement
the whole theme on the miniature.
I really love the hammer and think the true metals look great on it. So that's another one for team Kingdom Death complete!
Thanks for reading,
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