Thursday 22 December 2011

Badab War: Minotaurs Tactical Squad wip 22/12/12

All that is left now is the small details such as bolters, grenades, gun flash and of course the bases. I am little stuck as to how I want the bases, half of me wants ash waste grey with snow to offset the warm bronze colour. What do people think? Overall I am very happy with the final colour scheme, and am looking forward to working on the second tactical squad once I get it built. As I mentioned before, due to work, procrastination and the need to get 'the right look', my first units always take a long time.

I will do as much of the guns and back packs tonight (they still need cleaning) with the intention of complete finish (not bases though) tomorrow. It would be great to have the entire thing finished before the Christmas Eve parties but this will ultimately depend on how I want the bases, if I go for the ash grey I will have to put a small supply order in.

So thoughts?

Thanks for reading,

The 14th legion

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