Things are slow on the Minotaurs front, but for once it's not due to lack of motivation! The seasonal holidays has meant the postal service has (understandably) been a little slow. I am waiting on numerous small and fiddly bits for the Terminator squad as well as shoulder pads for the second MK 8 Tactical squad. I have put in bids for the last three Space Hulk Blood Angels Terminators meaning I can bump the unit to the full size of 10, I will be converting the flamer model to an assault cannon but leaving the Lightning Claws intact for a future Terminator Assault squad. I am estimating that the Terminators; due to its size and detail; will take around 2 months to paint if i really knuckle down and work them every day. As for the rest of 2011, I am getting ready to sit down and finish the backpacks and weapons for the first tactical squad. Pigment dust for the bases are en-route but I doubt those will arrive until after after the New Year's weekend as the order is coming by second class post. I have to admit, seeing the Tactical squad with power packs on is a real confidence boost and will be a major achievement for me once finished as it will be the first time I have finished a full GW infantry kit; just for me; in quite a few years. At the same time, it is painfully obvious that painting speed must be addressed when dealing with personal projects, while my clients always get their stuff quickly the same can not be said for my own stuff.