So today has been spent working on Kingdom Death's Preacher pin-up which received a general release over the weekend. This model has alternate parts in the form of very delicate hands and a head with/without glasses.
Not wanting to miss out on the extras I opted to magnetise the heads so I can swap as I see fit, something that proved very troublesome considering the size of the figure.
To ensure no damage to the parts during the cleaning stage, I kept the components on the sprues for easier handling and used a very sharp blade to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on fine parts. I am happy to say that on this occasion nothing was broken.
The hammer is a very delicate piece and I would recommend changing the shaft with brass rod, I did not do this simply because I don't have any of the right size in my tool box.
The front cloth is a separate piece and I will applying heat to bend the tips into place and create a more natural look.
A enjoyable build and something that is looking to be an enjoyable paint job too. Doing the eyes through the sculpted glasses is going to be a challenge, but hey if it wasn't a challenge, it wouldn't be fun!
I need to give the figure a quick wash with warm water, then it is off to the spraying room. I am hoping to get a very good start on the flesh tones tomorrow morning, and if I am very lucky, the special plinth I have ordered will arrive too.
All will be revealed...
Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion
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