Greetings all!
I think this post is long over due. As I am sure regular readers are aware, there has been very little content so far in 2016. As it stands, Sven is currently very busy studying a new course (good luck to you!) and I myself am fully loaded up with commission work for indie companies (more on that shortly) and private customers.
So where does this leave the blog?

Never fear, the blog will be still be around, and in use. It was always my intention when I first started this blog, for it to be a showcase of painted figures from my collections and readers, it was through sheer enjoyment of the hobby, that it ended up encompassing tacticas, tutorials and reviews. however at this 'stage of the game' time is imply not on my (or the other writers) side. However while I cannot speak for the other writers, I myself will continue to be providing content on an irregular basis. As I mentioned above, I am currently working commissions for a number of miniature companies. I do have plenty of photographs to share, but it is merely a case of getting permission to share. So be sure to stick around, as those will be coming soon.

Salute 2016, my favourite wargaming event is round the corner - actually it's next weekend! And as per normal I will be doing a small article post event. However, unlike previous years, I will be experimenting with 'live updates' this year. So if you are a follower of my Twitter and Facebook page, you will be able to see the updates pretty much as soon as I make them! Expect lots of photos of nicely painted miniatures (including some of mine!) and possibly some previews of what's coming soon.
While on the subject of Twitter and Facebook, these two forms of media are now the primary places for my live/everyday updates. So if you want to see the latest thing I am painting, converting, gaming I would suggest following, liking and subscribing to my Twitter and Facebook pages.
I have to admit that I have tried to resist using the above social media, but quite frankly they make life so much easier when it comes to sharing my everyday hobby updates. Hopefully I will see some of you loyal readers there!
Thanks for reading,
Chris 'DiStudios'
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