The more I see, the more I like! It has been a very quiet summer for me as I continue waiting on my massive order from Prodos Games. Initially kickstarter contributors were given an end of June/August time frame for delivery, but due to a number of third party issues - Rule books and cards printing, there is now no confirmed time frame-which is worrying. And this presents one of the glaring issues I have with Kickstarter Projects as a whole, as mentioned before I have passed on such big projects like Sedition Wars and Kingdom Death, simply because of the delivery times involved and the fact that money is taken before setbacks can even manifest (a lot can happen to a company in 1 year good and bad), but the one saving grace of Prodo's Kickstarter, is the great communication they have shown during and after their Kickstarter. Even with the delays, products do exist and have been shown on a regular basis, and more importantly for me I continue to grow more interested in the product with every update.
Prodos Games have been more than generous with information, a strange thing for people who may be more used to the clandestine GW method of promoting product, and this even boils down to personal communication; I have emailed Prodos a number of times with random queries and received responses within a couple of hours, always with a positive attitude. These people love the product they are involved in and are focusing on the number the all important customer service without the arrogant undertones of GW fanaticism. Anyways onward to the pictures! Today I will be showing the Mishima renders for the Meka (walker), Hatamoto (Elite Heavy Infantry) and casts of the Ronin Samurai.