Welcome to what is; as far as I recall; the first Warhammer Fantasy post on the 14th Legion Blog so here we are, updates!
Gaming - We now have the Warhammer Fantasy rulebook, templates and magic cards. terrain has been built in the form of trees and a guard tower, and there is still a Dreadstone Blight to be built. Next month Lorna is planning to buy some hills, while I build a 6x4 frame of some sort for the Realms of Battle table.
Miniatures - My army arrived on Monday, while the resin bits from Forge World arrived yesterday (more on that in a bit). Annoyingly, Lorna's army is still to be shipped out and we have an estimate of end of next week...Due to the fact that Lorna's army has not even arrived yet, today's post will deal solely with my Empire army.