This morning Games Workshop released their next Warhammer Fantasy and 40K codex: Daemons, regular readers will know that I have been really looking forward to this release, especially for the new units. I have to say I am not disappointed with what I have seen having pre-ordered a limited edition codex, the psychic cards and of course both the Plague Drones and Herald of Nurgle boxset. This months White Dwarf is naturally a huge advert for Marches Daemon incursion, from the battle report and various notes I managed to glean a few details such, but as per usual GW have been pretty stringent with giving away too much (and further boost codex sales as a result). Anyway I think existing Daemon players will be happy with the following details - pictures weaved in for eye candy purposes.

D12 chaos effects table/Warpstorm - From a background perspective I love the idea of it, it goes with the 6th Edition ethos of cinematic, this chart has effects that can provide negative and beneficial that range from instability tests (i think that is what is hinted) to +1 to invulnerable saves army wide, as far as I could make out, the Daemon player needs to roll each turn. How this will stack with say an Epidemius list, I can only speculate, however I have a feeling that Epidemius will be toned down in this edition to prioritise the purchase of standard Heralds.