Have to be honest folks, finding my self suffering a little hobby burnout due to a lack of inspiration. The Chaos Space Marine release was a big disappointment for me in terms of miniatures and general over hype. Despite the book being visually stunning in terms of design and art direction, I find the actual content nothing more then a general re-hash of the last book crossed with Warhammer Fantasy (and we all see how well that sells at the moment...). I believe this has cemented the trend of no more legion cult armies and the rise of Chaos generic led by 10+ old miniatures - a new Abaddon would of been nice for inspiration don't you think? The book of today is more spikey marines than ever, regardless of what they say and I see the current codex attempt(s) as a child friendly version of what was the biggest evil in the galaxy, the corruption of the dark gods has been diluted down to pure emo daddy hate (with sprinklings of Jurassic Park). Joking aside, reinventing the wheel is as hard as they say, with Chaos being so varied (up to 3.5) it was always going to be hard to re-vitalise the army once Daemons were given their own book, however GW has actively made the choice (in my eyes) to kill off the validity of Mono-God armies/legions across all game sets, in order to sell more product (note - gone are the sacred numbers, the division of Chaos into three sub armies for Fantasy). There is no choice now but to focus on the humanised aspect of the 'long war' ie Chaos Space Marines, Cultists, Dark Mechanicus (via Daemon engines). Perhaps in the future this will yield more interesting results, however right now despite the allies matrix, Chaos Space Marines is just Jurassic Spikey Marines.