This evening I decided to break out the lovely Forge World Great Unclean One, It has been sitting in it's case with rest of my Nurgle for quite some time and I felt that such an impressive model deserved some attention. Much to my horror I discovered that the two small horns on his head were broken, not sure how it had happened but naturally a irritating discovery. I decided that tonight I would repair the beast, as leaving it till later would probably mean next year. So here is Repairing Horns & Spiky Bits 101, lets have a look at the necessary tools for this job:
The putty of choice for this type of job is Brown Stuff, this is because it has less stickiness then green stuff and has a firmer finish once dry. This is a excellent quality when working with items that you might intend to sand or shave once dry.
Pin Vice, drill bits, Wire
The size of bit is dependant on the repair, In my case I am using paper clips to repair the horns so the drill bit is around 0.5mm in size.
Tweezers & Super glue
Necessary to hold the pins and securely plug them in place.